「野鸭湖」11.16/11.17 | 网红打卡拍出芦苇漫天の北京城郊藏着的大西北-永宁古城-柳沟豆腐宴

时间: 2024-11-16 - 2024-11-17
地点: 北京市延庆区
费用说明: 活动费成人158元/人
¥ 158




2024-11-16 - 2024-11-17
  • - 08:00|请按集合信息指定地点集合出发,一路欢歌笑语开始旅程。
  • - 10:00|我们到达延庆『永宁古城』,我们自由游览并予以补给。有玉皇阁、古街巷、天主教堂、古寺庙等景观可供参观。
  • - 11:30|到达柳构民俗村游览。柳沟村在明清时期为屯兵驻地,至今保留有城墙、城门、古庙等遗迹。
  • - 中午|延庆传统豆腐宴,寒冷的季节,吃着火盆锅何等享受,柳沟的火盆锅由传统习俗演变而来,现已远近闻名。
  • - 13:00|往往野鸭湖湿地公园后,自由活动。徒步环湖全程约6公里,不紧不慢时间正好;有湖中木栈道,穿梭在大片的芦苇荡中央;也有林荫小路,随时休憩;景区内有望湖楼,可以俯瞰湖景、芦苇荡及远处的康西草原。
  • - 16:30|集合返程。
  • - 18:30|到达出发地,愉快行程结束。



#野鸭湖北京延庆野鸭湖湿地自然保护区位于延庆西部,野鸭湖,是官厅水库延庆辖区及环湖海拔479m以下滩涂及淹没区组成的人工湿地,保护区总面积6873公顷,其中湿地面积达3939公顷,是北京唯一的湿地鸟类自然保护区。"After 50 years of development, it has formed a wetland ecosystem with rich flora and fauna resources, high biodiversity and stability, becoming an important bird habitat in the Beijing area and even North China. The total number of bird species in Wild Duck Lake is 264, including 6 national first-class protected animals (Black Stork, Great Bustard, Golden Eagle, Oriental Stork, White-naped Crane, White-tailed Sea Eagle), and 34 national second-class protected animals. There are 40 fish species belonging to 9 families under 5 orders, 5 amphibian species belonging to 3 families under 1 order, 7 reptile species belonging to 4 families under 3 orders, 10 mammal species belonging to 6 families under 5 orders, 182 insect species belonging to 61 families under 12 orders, 63 protozoa species, 12 cladoceran species, and 35 rotifer species. Wetland plants widely distributed include various aquatic, wet, and terrestrial plants. In summer, lotus flowers stand tall and elegant, reeds are lush and green, golden wild chrysanthemums, light purple alkali wort, white reed spikes, and brown sparganium fruit clusters sway in the wind, resembling a fairyland on the lake, presenting a unique charm."The wetlands at Wild Duck Lake cover a vast area, with just the marshes alone covering over 50,000 acres, preserving the beauty of the suburban wilderness, earning it the nickname 'Jingbei Jiangnan'. Along the way, there are characteristic scenic spots such as wooden platforms by the water, Bird Island, wetland viewing platforms, Lake View Tower, West Protection Station, Crane Viewing Platform, and the Hundred Grass Prairie of the Wetland. This place is also the largest wetland park in North China.



1) 本活动属于户外旅行活动,纯玩,全程不进购物店,没有任何形式购物环节,领队也不作购物推荐,敬请谅解;同时本活动所有费用已明示(包括有可能您自愿自费的项目),无其它任何收费,请您仔细阅读费用包含和费用不含内容。

2) 活动出发前会统一给大家发集合信息通知所有队员(微信或短信),包括领队电话、集合时间地点、车牌号等活动信息,队员请以集合信息为准准时集合;车上座位顺序为集合时先到自由选择,迟到视为自动放弃后续行程,请恕费用不退。

3) 活动行程时间仅供参考,受天气、交通、客流量、景区或政府调整等影响有可能会发生变化,请以领队实际安排为准;文中照片仅供参考,不做为本次活动要约;户外活动不同于常规旅行活动,报名时未成年人、60周以上老年人、残疾人、孕妇、患者、港澳台和外籍人士报名需报名时说明,领队有挑选队员的权利。

